Hull No: HMCo. #1276

ca. 1935 Amphicraft

Length Over All: 13' 1"
Length Water Line: 12' 7"
Beam: 4' 9"
Rig: Wishbone


Sidney Herreshoff designed not only the Amphicraft but also a special trailer to go with it. The Herreshoff Mfg. Co. built the trailer as well as the boat, using running gear purchased from the Indian Motorcycle Co. and a steam-bent, varnished oak frame complete with the Herreshoff Mfg. Co. logo hand-lettered in red paint. 


These were early days for the concept of a trailer-able boat, and so today we might consider the Amphicraft to be a little backwards. The boat and trailer were designed to be sold as a package deal, much to the chagrin of many potential HMCo. customers who seemed to be a lot more interested in the trailer alone than in the dinghy. During this time, middle class families were increasingly becoming car owners, and the idea of vacationing via roadtrip – and perhaps towing a home-built dingy along behind you! – was becoming increasingly popular. However, at $425 the combination of dinghy and trailer was expensive for what it was, and the country was still struggling to recover from the Depression, so only 15 were ever built.


Despite its lack of commercial success, the Amphicraft was an elegant little package, with the mast designed to break down so that the entire rig could be stowed in the boat for transport. Several are known to survive today, including HMM’s with its original trailer, now restored and on display at the T.F. Green International Airport in Warwick, RI.

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