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April 9, 2020
Steam Launch Blog #15
This is going to be a long project! One team works six hours Tuesday and smaller team on Wednesday; a couple of experienced boat builders augmented with excited neophytes!
April 6, 2020
Steam Launch Blog #14
We were ready to start construction of launch #199 while Steve delved deeper and deeper into (non-nuclear) steam systems.
April 3, 2020
USS Eagle – Steam Launch Blog #13
Some background on the USS Eagle for which launch #199 was built.
March 12, 2020
Steam Launch Blog #12
At this point we are committed to building a launch in which to display our steam plant. We want to display Herreshoff last-generation steam system in an appropriate launch.
March 11, 2020
Steam Launch Blog #11
So what did this steam plant mean competitively?
March 10, 2020
Evolution of HMCo. Engines – #10
But in the case of steam engines, Capt. Nat remained at the forefront of engine design for marine launches and yachts...
March 9, 2020
Steam Launch Update #9
Capt. Nat's engines and boilers.
March 8, 2020
The Lone Ranger is Still Hard at Work – #8
No wonder Capt. Nat was such a genius!
March 7, 2020
Serendipity & Curiosity – #7
Now we had engine and boiler, and then curiosity visited the shop.
March 6, 2020
The Search for a Boiler – #6
And the scroungers were sent out into far reaches to find a boiler.
March 5, 2020
Steam Launch Update #5
The crew celebrates and dreams of the future.
March 4, 2020
Warming Up the Cylinders – #4
Warming up the cylinders as part of the start up process