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This Month in Herreshoff History: “The Vicissitudes of the Famous Pilgrim”
This Month in Herreshoff History: “Captain Nat’s Designs of the Nineties”
This Month in Herreshoff History: The Dawn of “Yachting”
This Month in Herreshoff History: “A Museum in Nat Herreshoff’s Memory”
This Month in Herreshoff History: “Captain Nat’s Designs between 1900 and 1910”
This Month in Herreshoff History: “How the Races Were Sailed” & “The 15th Match for the America’s Cup”
This Month in Herreshoff History: “Sailing in a Cup Race”
This Month in Herreshoff History: “Designing an America’s Cup Defender”
This Month in Herreshoff History: “Yachting in the Nineteen Hundreds”
This Month in Herreshoff History: “Defender – An Unlucky Sloop”
This Month in Herreshoff History: “Vale Ingomar!” a tribute by William H. Taylor
TMHH: “Beautiful Photographs of Famous Boats That Have Made Yachting History”