June 11, 2020

From the Vault: a big loan returns! What’s next?

Update - RELIANCE and a large collection of artifacts have returned to HMM from Germany!


All spring we've been getting messages asking when the RELIANCE model would return from its overseas loan. The model had been on exhibit at the Yachting Heritage Center in Flensburg, Germany since last summer, but the Covid-19 situation made the return timeline a little uncertain. Well, we have an exciting update for all of you who have asked: the RELIANCE model is back! The container arrived at the Museum this past Monday, June 8th. Not only did it hold the carefully packed 30' long RELIANCE and spars, but also a large number of other artifacts that were also on loan as a part of the America's Cup Yachting Heritage Center exhibit. So what's next? One long day of unloading with a lot of elbow grease and two forklifts is just the beginning; we have a lot of work ahead! All of the artifacts must be unpacked from their crates, photographed, and carefully examined to produce condition reports, which we'll be working on in the next few weeks. We will keep you updated as installation plans progress and hope to be able to welcome you back to see it all again before too long! Check out the photos below for some of the container unpacking action on Monday.

The container returns! The crane prepares to lift the container so we can set it on the ground and begin unpacking